
Sharon Harvey

Safe Travel: Driving While Alert

Safety tips about toys, candles, electric lights and drunk-driving are important messages during the holiday season. But warnings about the dangers of driving while tired...

December 20, 2013 / 3 min read

The Best of Times, Worst of Times:...

In September, Tobi Ash looked at her calendar and faced her first year of holidays without her father, Chaim Grosz, who recently passed away. Such...

December 10, 2013 / 2 min read

Prescriptions for Pill Safety

It’s easy!  Take this Pill Quiz: Are your doctors up to speed on the contents of your medicine cabinet? Are all of your specialists informed...

December 4, 2013 / 3 min read

Getting the Facts About Diabetes

If you have diabetes you’re not alone. Nearly 26 million adults and children — 8 percent of the population — in the U.S. have diabetes,...

November 26, 2013 / 2 min read

Pancreatic Cancer Update

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. The disease has claimed the lives of a...

November 25, 2013 / 2 min read

Rocking the Nursery: Infections and Newborns

From the delivery room to the nursery, parents of newborns are typically vigilant about cleanliness and safety. That caution is wise, especially during flu season,...

November 22, 2013 / 3 min read

Women and Alcohol: The New Truths

Alcohol addiction is an equal opportunity health risk, with little concern about income, education or gender. Just ask Elizabeth Vargas, the 51-year-old anchorwoman for ABC’s...

November 14, 2013 / 3 min read

The ABCs of Diabetes

My daughter Yael, 15, is a fierce competitor. Soccer, cross country, basketball or flag football –  doesn’t matter, my girl’s got game! It’s no wonder...

November 8, 2013 / 3 min read

Volunteering for Good Health

Looking for a supplemental dose of good health? You can earn extra mental and physical health benefits by volunteering. That’s the verdict from various academic,...

November 1, 2013 / 2 min read

From Glee to Reality: Teens, Prescription Drugs...

The topic of teenage drug abuse dramatically upstaged other plot lines on Glee, a popular television show about a high school singing club.  Addiction took...

October 24, 2013 / 3 min read