
Sharon Harvey

Heroin Epidemic: Treatments and Options

From rich-and-famous stars to the poor and homeless, heroin overdoses are on the uptick. Earlier this year, for example, actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died on...

March 26, 2014 / 3 min read

Health Challenge for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Here’s my personal 90-day health challenge. During the next three months, I plan to tackle the preventive and cancer screenings that I’ve been putting off....

March 18, 2014 / 3 min read

Stress—What a Pain!

C’mon! You know that treadmill of pain:  When you’re hurting, you think about your pain and thinking about pain makes you ache and obsess even...

March 10, 2014 / 2 min read

Help Your Child Reduce Stress

Who is more stressed out – your child or the CEO of a large company?  That’s a tough call. Due to a variety of factors,...

March 3, 2014 / 3 min read

Childhood Obesity: 5 Tips for a Healthier...

Is junk food adding pounds, but subtracting healthy years from your child’s life? If that’s a concern, you’re not alone. Children’s healthcare topics made headlines...

February 26, 2014 / 3 min read

Women: Hypertension’s Dangerous Gender Bias

Pat Chehab, 68, speaks from the heart when she talks about cardiovascular disease.  And she uses her personal medical history to warn women about the...

February 17, 2014 / 3 min read

Comfort During Difficult Times

Words can fall short when we try to comfort friends, co-workers and neighbors who have lost a loved one or who are experiencing a devastating...

February 6, 2014 / 3 min read

Facts on Drug Addiction Revealed

Confused? Conflicted? Overwhelmed? When it comes to drugs, alcohol and addiction, the facts can be perplexing for parents and teens. The issues are tough, but...

January 29, 2014 / 3 min read

Seeking Sinus Relief

You have holes in your head — and that’s a good thing. Sinus pockets give resonance (umpf) to your voice, while filtering the air you...

January 29, 2014 / 3 min read

Ergonomics: Posturing for Good Heath

Have your parents ever lectured about the benefits of good posture? Listen up. Research shows that poor posture could hurt your paycheck. Poor posture has...

January 8, 2014 / 3 min read