
Volunteering at Fairchild
Volunteers let a few hours of their time blossom into a world of new experiences while working in Fairchild’s beautiful environment. Fairchild volunteers have been an integral part of the Garden’s history and contribute to every aspect of our operations.
Volunteers learn new skills, make a positive impact in the community and the world and advance Fairchild’s mission through their hands-on support of our programs. Fairchild volunteers have access to a wide range of classes and training opportunities. All active Fairchild volunteers who give a minimum of 30 hours of service a year automatically become part of the Friends of Fairchild, which hosts lectures, field trips and social activities.
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer jobs require a commitment of 3-4 hours per week for a minimum three months. These are typically done with one shift per week on the same volunteer day, although some volunteer areas are more flexible than others. The minimum age for Fairchild Volunteers is 14.
There are short-term opportunities for those that would like to do a one-day volunteer activity, or for students requiring community service hours.
Once you are a Fairchild Volunteer, it is essential to participate in Core Class Training as well as additional training for specific volunteer areas.
Please contact [email protected] for more information on becoming a volunteer!
Volunteer Information Sessions
Volunteer Information Events are held throughout the year to inform Fairchild members and the public about volunteer opportunities and requirements. Following the application and interview process, volunteers are selected for programs based on their experience, skills and availability. In certain program areas a second placement interview is required. The types and numbers of openings for volunteers vary considerably throughout the year.
Upcoming Volunteer Information Sessions:
Please stay tuned for our Virtual Information Days coming up this summer!
Where You Can Volunteer
Volunteer opportunities are available in the following programs areas.
Conservation Science
Visitor Services
Special Events
Wings of the Tropics
Volunteer Department Staff
Isabel Sanchez, Director of Volunteer Services and HR
Jemma Peterson, Database and Communications Coordinator
William Navas, Volunteer Coordinator
Contact Us
305-667-1651, ext. 3324 or [email protected]