Aquatic Exhibits

The Water Gardens at Fairchild

The beautiful waterfall in the Simons Rainforest
Fountain Court Pool
The Fountain Court Pool near the Garden House Auditorium, home to a variety of various water lilies including the ‘Ostara’, the ‘Star of Siam’, and my favorite Nymphaea, the ‘Blue Bop’. This water lily congregation is watched over by the Dale Chihuly’s beautiful, hand blown, blue glass sculpture Cobalt Herons.
Pool in the Moos Sunken Garden
The tranquil pool and waterfall of the Sunken Garden is a place you can sit, relax, think, meditate or perhaps just enjoy the lush vegetation that surrounds this natural tropical retreat.
Palm Glade Pool
At the Palm Glade Pool you will find the fascinating blooms of Nymphaea ‘Caliente’, the Nymphaea ‘Day Glow’ and Nymphaea ‘Purple Zanzibar’. In the very center of this intriguing group is the star of the pool, Nelumbo nucifera ‘Chawan Basu’, the sacred lotus plant. A lot of care and attention is required by this plant but when it blooms, it is definitely worth the effort.
Amphitheater Pool
Sequestered by palm trees, the Amphitheater pool is home to a number of different water lilies, from Nymphaea ‘Key Largo’, ‘Star of Zanzibar’ and ‘Queen of Siam’ to name a few. Hibiscus coccineus, Equisetum giganteum and Neptunia oleracea also dwell here. The Amphitheater Pool is a hidden gem.
Sibley Victoria Pool
Here, among the various water lilies, we experience the majesty of the Victoria cruziana and the Victoria ‘Longwood Hybrid’. These plants are native to South America and their leaf span is from 12 to 40 inches. Their flowers bloom white the first day, pink the second and die off the third. Unfortunately, since the Victoria waterlilies only grow in very warm weather, with lots of sun and very warm water, they are considered an annual in most climates. The Victoria Pool holds gigantic water lilies with leaves two feet across.
Tropical Plant Conservatory and Rare Plant House Pools
When you first arrive at the Tropical Plant Conservatory and Rare Plant House, you’re immediately overcome by the vibrant and buoyant colors from Dale Chihuly’s End of Day Tower. As you approach the pool, you’ll then notice the beautiful aquatic plants and colorful fish, African Cichilds, that seem to mirror the Tower’s colors.
As you move along the path, you’ll find yourself on a lovely bridge overlooking a quiet, restraint pool designed to juxtapose the spirited Chihuly pool. Here you’ll see beautiful aroids, ferns, orchids leaning into the pool as bright blue Cichlids swim in a rhythmic cadence. Can you spot the beautiful white koi?