Member’s Day

Your chance to buy a Fairchild plant!
Every year in the Fall, Fairchild hosts the Members’ Day Plant Sale. While Fairchild may produce many plant sales throughout the year, this one features many rare, native, and otherwise incredible plants representing a huge range of plant families, and all grown by our expert staff in our nearby nursery.
Some of the plants we offer are species newly collected by our own staff and never before—or very rarely—offered for sale in the country. These include plants and varieties from Southeast Asia, Tropical America, and the Caribbean. Imagine, a chance to own a plant not available anywhere else, unless of course you travel to the often-remote places where our staff legally collect plants, seeds, and/or cuttings to be propagated at the Fairchild nursery!
In the days prior to the Members’ Day Plant Sale and Plant Distribution, you might want to visit Fairchild to take a look at examples of the Distribution Plants. Their locations in the Garden are mentioned at the end of each description. We will also be setting up the sale area in the Palmetum during the week before the sale to give our Members time to browse the selection.