Breast Cancer Survivors are Real Winners of ‘Red, White and Pink’ HEAT Game

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October 11, 2016

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Hundreds of breast cancer survivors were the real winners Monday night as the Miami HEAT hosted their 3rd annual Red, White and Pink game presented by Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida.

Along with the survivors, thousands of attendees enjoyed watching the HEAT scrimmage with players from the 2016-17 roster. Inside the vibrant arena, attendees received special event t-shirts and got a sneak peak at this year’s team. A special celebration at half-time allowed local survivors to meet and receive hugs from the players and coaching staff, as well as pose for pictures.

“Baptist Health South Florida and the Miami HEAT are both such icons in the South Florida community,” says Starr Mautner, M.D. of the Baptist Health Breast Center at Miami Cancer Institute. “It helps spread awareness about breast cancer in general and it’s a fun night — a night to celebrate everyone that’s a survivor here.”

Before the game started, fans were able to take pictures in and around Miami Cancer Institute’s “Embrace Tomorrow” truck parked in front of the arena to raise awareness for breast cancer. Follow the conversation on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag ‪#‎GetYourPinkOn.

HEAT players wore special edition “Red, White and Pink” game shirts to commemorate the night.

The team has incorporated the color pink into the scrimmage for the third consecutive year in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Proceeds from the event benefited Miami Cancer Institute.

The Baptist Health South Florida News Team captured the highlights of the big event. Watch the video now!

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