Watch Now: e-Pharmacy, A Vital Connection

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June 23, 2014

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Sitting within Baptist Health’s Telehealth Center in Coral Gables, pharmacist Gloria Kelly works with the doctors in the hospitals’ ICUs to ensure the right medications and dosages are being administered to the patients.

Ms. Kelly also works closely with patients of Baptist Health Home Care to review the medications with which they are sent home from the hospital and the ones they take at home, including over-the-counter products. One goal: To prevent harmful interactions, omissions of necessary medications, double doses or inadequate doses. The ultimate goal: To keep patients, like Marcial Garcia, safe.

Through video chat, Ms. Kelly connects with Mr. Garcia, checks up on his medications and educates him about important health risks associated with what he has been prescribed.


This “e-Pharmacy” program is just one facet of Baptist Health’s new Telehealth Center. To learn more about how Baptist Health nurses and doctors are connecting electronically to patients at remote locations, check out the latest edition of Resource magazine, due in homes next week.

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