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Safe Homes, Smart Parties: Tips for Parents

School’s out for the summer, and kids are celebrating graduations and a break from the books. Socializing for teens and preteens peaks this time of year, with many of them throwing and attending parties.

For parents of middle- and high-school age students, the end of the school year can present a challenge.  Many parents struggle with encouraging kids to be independent and make acceptable choices, while urging self-control and safe decision-making when it comes to using alcohol or drugs.

“It’s important to help your child envision a future without negative consequences of underage drinking and substance abuse,” says David Vittoria, assistant vice president of South Miami Hospital Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center [1].  “Parents need to explain how underage drinking or using drugs can result in death or disability, affect the still-developing brain and increase the likelihood of chronic alcohol problems and addiction.”

Consider the statistics:

Mr. Vittoria and the team of experts who lead the adolescent programs at South Miami Hospital Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center, share the following Safe Homes Smart Parties [2] tips from Informed Families, one of Baptist Health South Florida’s community partners.

When Your Teen Is Attending a Party

Discuss the details of the party with your teen or preteen, including behavior expectations and rules, such as:

Personally contact the party host (parent) to:

When Your Teen Is Hosting a Party

Issues to discuss and rules to set with your teen or preteen before the party should include:

Know Your Responsibilities
The responsible adult at a kids’ party must be visible and aware. Remember:

“Know who your kids’ friends are, ask the right questions and always attach to a positive message to the questions you ask,” adds Mr. Vittoria. “Sometimes the most powerful moment you can create with your kids is in the question you ask, not just in the answer you think you have to have.”

Alcohol is a legal substance and most people can consume it without any negative consequences. But, if you think that you or someone you know might have a challenge with alcohol, or if you’d like to get more information on how we can help, contact the South Miami Hospital Addiction Treatment & Recovery Center – anytime, 24/7 – at 786-662-8118 or 1-800-YES-HOPE.

About the Author
David Vittoria is assistant vice president of South Miami Hospital Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center. Dedicated to addiction treatment, recovery, advocacy and prevention for more than 20 years, he has held various clinical and administrative positions in mental health and substance abuse facilities located throughout South Florida. A Miami native, Mr. Vittoria earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work from Florida International University. He is a Certified Addictions Professional (CAP), an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICADC) and a National Certified Addictions Counselor (NCAC). Mr. Vittoria also is a board member of Informed Families and a regular contributor to the organization’s blog, “From the Front Lines.”