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Recipe: Arepas With A Healthy Twist

#BaptistHealthy arepas are easy to make and filling for the whole family. And there are two versions: black beans with cheese and fried egg with slice avocados. Check out the video!

Arepas Recipe

2 tbsp Chia seeds
½ cup oatmeal
1 cup cornmeal flour “Harina Pan”
2 cups water
1 tbsp salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Heat water in a pot.
3. Transfer water to a mixing bowl.
4. Add chia seeds, oatmeal and pinch of salt.
5. Mix for 5 minutes until chia seeds and oats expand.
6. Gradually add the Arepa flour, mixing continuously to avoid lumps.
7. Knead dough a few times in bowl.
8. The dough should not be dry nor sticky, knead until finding the perfect balance by adding more water or corn flour as needed.
9. Divide into equal portions. Roll each piece on work surface into a ball, then gently flatten to about ½” thick.
10. Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add 4 arepas and cook until golden brown, 5 minues
11. Flip, and cook until other side is golden brown, 5 minutes.
12. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake until cooked through, about 10 minutes longer.
13. Remove from oven, let rest 5 minutes, split, fill, and serve with desired fillings.
14. Add either fried egg with avocado sliced, or black beans with cheese “queso de mano” and tomato.