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Possible Lung Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore (Infographic)

Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the United States for both men and women. And most patients are diagnosed in the latter stages of the disease.

But warning signs may not occur, or may not be obvious in the early stages of the disease. Some lung cancers do not cause any symptoms until they have spread. Nonetheless, some people with early lung cancer may have symptoms and brush them off as something harmless.

Symptoms of lung cancer are not very apparent in the beginning. For example, chronic coughs should not be ignored, doctors say.

Infographic by Irina de Souza

While smoking contributes to the majority of lung cancers, there are other risk factors, such as exposure to second-hand smoke, inhaling radon (a naturally occurring radioactive gas), exposures to asbestos or other cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace, and air pollution.

No One is Immune
While lung cancer screenings are focused on patients at high risk, but it could happen to anyone. No one is immune of the possibility of developing lung cancer.

If you go to your doctor when you first notice symptoms, your cancer might be diagnosed at an earlier stage, when treatment is more likely to be effective. About 70 percent of diagnosed lung cancer cases have progressed to either stage 3 (25 percent) or stage 4 (45 percent). Stage 4 is the most advanced stage of lung cancer. By then, the cancer has usually spread to both lungs, to fluid in the area around the lungs, or to another part of the body, such as the liver or other organs.

But even for late-stage patients, there are effective treatments available. Generally, most of the treatment advances have been with non-small cell lung cancer, which represents about 85 percent of cases.

Here are the most common lung cancer symptoms, according to the American Cancer Society:

Many of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by something other than lung cancer. Still, if you have any of these problems, it’s important to see your doctor and be treated, if needed.